Finley Elizabeth Oblander was born on July 25, 2013 and was an amazing baby girl with a turned up nose and beautiful hair filled head. She was often described as having “sausage toes.”

While still in the hospital, Noelle Moore-Fernandez, Finley's mother learned Finley had suffered severe medical complications because of medical malpractice during birth. Over the next few weeks, she nervously awaited signs of improvement. Then, on the 16th day, doctors delivered the devastating news; Finley was brain dead and there was nothing more they could do.

For two weeks, Moore-Fernandez stayed by her daughter’s side as a life support system breathed oxygen into her lungs and provided her body with nutrients. She would spend another week by Finley’s side, praying for a miracle, before making a decision she never planned on.

As the doctors removed the tube from her daughter’s nose and the IV drip from her foot, Finley’s brief life came to an end. She was called home on August 16, 2013, while Moore-Fernandez was sent home wondering where to go from there.

After experiencing an immense gap between the hospital and the home, Noelle came to realize a grieving mother’s need for holistic healing after losing a child, and The Finley Project® was born to help close that gap.


The Finley Project exists to close the gap between the hospital and the home after a mother loses an infant. It provides a lifeline for mothers in the minutes, hours and days after infant loss through a 7-Part Holistic Program.

Just 22 days after welcoming her beautiful daughter Finley Elizabeth into this world, Noelle Moore-Fernandez had to do the unimaginable. She was left to say goodbye to her only child when there was nothing left to do to save her precious life. As she walked down the NICU hallway and departed the hospital where Finley remained, she can remember thinking, "How can I leave her here? Who's going to take care of her?" but soon realized those questions would not be answered. There was no follow up. There were no offers of support, and the path to healing was unclear. During a time of despair and a desperate need for help, Noelle quickly realized the gap that exists between the hospital and the home. As she navigated her grief journey, Noelle was prompted to act on a calling God had placed within her, and she needed to do something about it.


I've been there, so I understand. I made it, and you can too.

“I saw an urgent need for mothers and families to have someone come along side of them and be their gauge and compass.”

Just 22 days after her daughter's birth, Noelle Moore-Fernandez tragically lost her only child, Finley Elizabeth. Feeling a gap between hospital care and home support during her grief, she was inspired to take action on a calling from God.

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